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42 Hewell Rd,
Barnt Green,
Birmingham B45 8NF

Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm
Saturday: By Appointment
Sunday: Closed

Preventative Wellness

Preventative Wellness

Preventative wellness is a holistic health concept that focuses on preventing illnesses before they arise.

It also seeks to slow down the ageing process, empowering you to live longer, healthier, and with more confidence than ever before.

What Is Preventative Wellness?

At Regener8 Healthcare, we believe in proactive healthcare. Instead of simply addressing symptoms, this service is all about preventing health issues before they occur.

Our preventative wellness services are designed to empower you to take control of your health, making informed choices to optimise your wellbeing and prevent future health challenges.

Who Is It For?

Preventative wellness is for everyone, regardless of age or current health status. It’s ideal for individuals who:

  • Prefer to proactively manage health.
  • Want to prevent chronic conditions.
  • Would like to slow down the ageing process.
  • Want to enhance overall wellbeing.

Our tailored approach ensures that preventative wellness is accessible and beneficial for everyone.

How it Works

Comprehensive Health Assessment:

Begin with a thorough health assessment, including medical history, lifestyle, and risk factors. You can also take a DNA test to get an indication of health predispositions.

Personalised Health Plan:

Based on the assessment, receive a personalised preventative wellness plan. This may include lifestyle modifications, nutrition advice, supplements, and recommended blood tests and screenings.

Regular Monitoring:

We can provide ongoing monitoring and adjustments to your plan as needed. Regular check-ins ensure that your preventative wellness journey remains effective.

What are the Results?

Preventative wellness means embarking on a journey to:

Optimised Health:

Proactively address risk factors and lifestyle choices that impact your wellbeing.

Prevention of Future Health Issues:

Take steps to reduce the risk of developing chronic conditions and enhance your overall quality of life.


Receive the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about your health.

Preventative Wellness is a powerful tool to help you prioritise your health today and enjoy a healthier, happier tomorrow.
Preventative Wellness is a powerful tool to help you prioritise your health today and enjoy a healthier, happier tomorrow.
Book a Preventative Wellness Session

Ready to invest in your long-term health and wellbeing?

Book a preventative wellness session with Regener8 Healthcare. Our team is dedicated to guiding you on a path to a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Book Now or contact us for more information on preventative wellness services.